
New from the Netherlands’Physical Society – Science Tournament

By . Published on 26 May 2015 in:
Events, May 2015, , , ,

On 4 June 2015, the national final of the nation-wide Science Tournament “Techniek Toernooi” will take place in the Netherlands.

The Science Tournament started at local schools. Pupils are encouraged to engage in technical experimentation, following a carefully designed work schedule. This way, they learn about scientific principles, they can develop their creativity and they experience that science is not scary and strange but fun, actually.

Science tournament
The full academic dress…

This year’s theme was civil engineering, and since it is the International Year of Light, ‘light’ was also central to many assignments. Some of the assignments were:

The mysterious shadow: Use a torch to reproduce theshadow of the example.

Look around the corner: Use mirrors to produce a long road for a ray of light, and send it around the corner.

The energetic lightbulb: Use water to generate energy to light a lamp.

This year, an estimated 15,000 pupils participated in the Tournament. Having more children take an active part in science will hopefully lead to more student entering into technical professions at a later stage.

University Professors will be judging the final results in full academic dress! We are looking forward to the finals!

More information about the event can be fount at:

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