
Call for 2013 IUPAP C10 Young Scientist Prize

By . Published on 22 May 2012 in:
Awards, News, , , ,

Nominations are now open for the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize for the Commission on the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter [C10]. The prize, which is given annually, is presented in recognition of exceptional achievement and future promise in the study of the structure and dynamics of condensed matter by scientists at a relatively junior stage of their career.

The award, consisting of a medal, certificate and 1,000 euros in prize money, will be presented in 2013.

Nominees should have a maximum of eight years of research experience, excluding career interruptions, following their PhD.

Nominations should contain the following: The candidates CV; a 30-word award citation; publication citation statistics; no more than three salient publications by the nominee; a one-page statement by the nominee explaining the significance of their work, in relation to the overall field of structure and dynamics of condensed matter; and two letters of support from senior scientists, one of whom should be the nominator, and one of whom should not have been a former supervisor of the nominee.

Completed nominations should be emailed, as a single .pdf file, to the C10 Commission Chair, Yasuhiko Fujii y_fujii [at] cross [dot] or [dot] jp, before 15 June this year.

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