Launch of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Toolkit
A cross-cutting issue of Horizon 2020, the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) concept pushed forward by the European Commission (EC) aims to foster and facilitate research and innovation in an inclusive, societally-oriented way. The EC-funded RRI Tools project has gathered and developed online resources – the RRI Toolkit – allowing closer interactions between the actors of research and innovation systems. It also addresses topics such as open access, gender in science, ethics, science education, governance and public engagement. The Toolkit is designed for individuals as well as institutions involved in research, policy-making, business, education, or civil society organisations. It comprises 350+ tools, including best practices, participatory techniques, how-to’s to implement cross-collaboration and interdisciplinarity, guidelines, self-assessment tools and training resources. The RRI Toolkit was made public on 7 March 2016 at