
Featured in EPN

By . Published on 10 June 2011 in:

Featuring in the upcoming issue of EPN:

3D-integrated all-solid-state batteries1
by P.H.L. Notten

‘Electrification of our increasingly sophisticated society will proliferate rapidly during this century. A key element in the electricity supply chain is storage of electricity. Hydrogen and lithium have proved to be safe and reliable elements for electrical storage, yielding present-day rechargeable nickel-Metal Hydride and lithium-ion batteries. Underlying this development is basic research into thin film materials. Innovative battery concepts include the 3D-integrated all-solid-state battery enabling future autonomous devices, large-scale storage and medical implants…’

An introduction to biomimetic photonic devices2
by S.M. Luke & P. Vukusic

‘Nature uses a large number of optical phenomena to create a vast array of coloured appearances. The brightest colours and most dazzling optical effects are often those which are created through the use of intricate microstructures that manipulate light. Bio-inspired designs are increasingly leading to improvements in diverse arrays of products for which manipulation of light and appearance is important…’

Mag(net)ic liquid mountains3
by R. Richter

‘When exposed to a transversal magnetic field, a layer of ferrofluid may exhibit surprising surface structures. Their topography can now be measured precisely by means of X-rays. This allows new insights in the laws of pattern formation for these static deformations…’

  1. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2011303 []
  2. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2011302 []
  3. DOI: 10.1051/epn/2011301 []

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